Log(__FUNCTION__ . " load image object with: ".print_r($vars,true)); if (is_array($vars)) { $this->imageName = (isset($vars['image']) ? $vars['image'] : (isset($vars['name']) ? $vars['name'] : (isset($vars['imageName']) ? $vars['imageName'] : "" ) ) ) ; if (empty($this->imageName)) throw new \Exception(__FUNCTION__ . " Image name is empty"); list($RegistryDomain, $ImageShortName) = explode('/',$this->imageName,2); if (!$ImageShortName) throw new \Exception(__FUNCTION__ . " Image short name not valid"); else $this->shortName = $ImageShortName; if (isset( $vars['imageBasic']->annotations) ) $annotations = $vars['imageBasic']->annotations; elseif (isset($vars['annotations'])) $annotations = $vars['annotations']; else $annotations = array(); $this->annotations = new imageAnnotations($annotations); if (isset($vars['imageConfig'])) $this->config = new imageConfig($vars['imageConfig']); } elseif (is_object($vars)) { $this->imageName = (isset($vars->image ) ? $vars->image : (isset($vars->name) ? $vars->name : (isset($vars->imageName) ? $vars->imageName : "" ) ) ) ; if (isset( $vars->imageBasic->annotations) ) $this->annotations = new imageAnnotations($vars->imageBasic->annotations) ; elseif (isset($vars->annotations)) $this->annotations = new imageAnnotations($vars->annotations) ; if (isset($vars->imageConfig)) $this->config = new imageConfig($vars->imageConfig); } } public function getHostControllerName() { if (isset($this->annotations->hostController)) return $this->annotations->hostController; else return false; } public function getClientControllerName() { if (isset($this->annotations->clientController)) return $this->annotations->clientController; else return false; } public function hasRole( string $Role) { $this->Log(__FUNCTION__ . " Checking Role: $Role"); if (isset($this->annotations->roles[$Role]) OR isset($this->annotations->roles[ucfirst($Role) ] ) ) { $this->Log(__FUNCTION__ . "--Image has role: $Role"); return true; } else { foreach($this->annotations->roles as $RoleRow) { if ($RoleRow === $Role) { $this->Log(__FUNCTION__ . "--Image has role (found as role value and not key): $Role"); return true; } } } $this->Log(__FUNCTION__ . "--Image does not seem to have role as key or as value within ->roles array "); return false; } }